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MeiWeiXian Garlic Chili Sauce

Series specifications

    It is carefully blended with minced garlic and red pepper. The garlic is rich in aroma and spicy. It is spicy and mellow, and turns sweet after being spicy. It is mellow and delicious.


Recommended recipe


Carrot sticks

    Ingredients: 5000g radish strips (10kg)

    Accessories: 12 Thai peppers, 5 cardamom, 2 bay leaves, 2 star anise

    Seasonings: 200g of delicious fresh garlic chili sauce, 25g of Chubang premium dark soy sauce, 250g of Chubang soy sauce, 400g of rock sugar, 750g of purified water, 110g of Chubang pure rice vinegar, 80g of Chubang white rice vinegar.

    Production Method:

    1. Soak the radish strips in Chubang pure rice vinegar, Chubang white rice vinegar and clean water for 3 hours to drain and set aside;

    2. Boil in purified water, add cardamom, bay leaves, and star anise, soak for 5 minutes, remove, turn off the heat, add Thai pepper, delicious fresh garlic chili sauce, Chubang soy sauce, Chubang premium dark soy sauce, and rock sugar and cool down in the refrigerator;

    3. Put the dried radish into cool juice and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours before putting it on a plate.

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